Python developer
Python is already older than many developers using it. Over the last 10 years, more and more developers are discovering the power of Python. It is an environment that allows to go in all directions; from backends for web environments to number crunching on large data sets or automating test environments.
As a data cruncher, you unlock data by algorithms in Python, the outcome of which will be used in an application for end users. You implement diverse and innovative applications, such as data fusion, new prediction algorithms, machine learning and other techniques.
As a web developer you often use tools such as Django or Flask to develop high traffic REST APIs. You often develop software that runs on major cloud platforms such as Azure, AWS or Google. Web development, application development, software development, backend development, API, microservices or doing stuff in the cloud, everything is possible with Python!
Job requirements
An HBO or WO diploma with a major in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Technical Computer Science or similar.
At least 6 years of relevant work experience. Good knowledge of, or experience with:
- Python, Typescripts and knowledge of other environments
- REST, Microservices, Cloud (Azure, AWS), Cloud Foundry, OpenShift
- Python libraries and frameworks like Django, Flask
- Experience with Software Testing and Test Driven Development, Git and GitHub
- Knowledge of methods such as Agile, Scrum and DevOps: CI/CD pipelines / Jenkins / Containerization (Docker/Kubernetes) / etc...
- Relational and NoSQL databases
- Both English and (some) Dutch in word and writing
Terms of employment
- Choose your own salary up to 6,000 euros
- The most flexible bonus model in the Netherlands that reaches up to 40,000 euros per year, although we recommend investing this in your personal development
- If desired, means of transport such as car, motorcycle, public transport and/or (electric) bicycle are provided
- Opportunities for courses, conventions, etc. etc.
Do you like doing things your way? Great! Same for us. Especially when we think these things can be done in a smarter way. With our roots as software developers and years of experience in ICT, we know the tricks of the trade; working many hours, often with little regard for your personal development, job satisfaction or private life.
We believe that this can be done differently. We believe that you work to live rather than live to work.
Does our philosophy and way of working appeal to you?
Are you the Giant Match for this role?
Want to know more? Send an email to berend@giantfox.nl