Find your GIANT

Looking for a software developer who can help to move your project forward? Our GIANTS are experienced (6+ years) engineers who understand the importance of your assignment. After all, large software projects require a lot of responsibility.

Smarter, instead of more, deployment of the right people keeps the energy high during the project and reduces unnecessary costs to a minimum.

Our services

App development 

Development of (mobile) apps focused on optimal performance. Device specific, different operating systems, browser-based or desktop-based.

Embedded development 

IoT systems that enable machines to make decisions without the guidance of people. Flexible to edit and configured to optimally work together with cloud systems.

Web development 

Web development, back-end as well as front-end. Functional coding, lightweight frameworks, everything to live up to the rising expections of the user.

Development is in our DNA

Our roots are in software development and we take personal development very seriously. We have the technical knowledge and expertise in-house, speak the same language as our engineers and understand the importance of your project.

Software engineering is developing rapidly. Optimal use of opportunities for your organization requires a flexible approach fueled by motivated and smart people. Our GIANTS are experienced developers who are just as committed to your project as they are to their lives: creative, professional, responsible, solution-oriented and fun.

Km walked
Games played
Coffee dates

Our team

Bas Winkelhof
Making Giant software
Geerten Klarenbeek
Berend Driessen
Searching for Giants
Jurgen van Veen
Develops Giant software
Lars van der Ham
Develops Giant software
David Betgen
Develops Giant software
Remco van Herk
Develops Giant software
Leroy van Zeeland
Develops Giant software
Sander Kooijmans
Develops Giant software
Jeroen Eijsackers
Develops Giant software
Ammar Abdulamir
Develops Giant software
Renze Smid
Develops Giant software
Matthijs Venselaar
Develops Giant software
Making Giants Giant
Matching Giants with Giants
Making Giant Software
Supporting Giants
Makes Giant Front-ends
Giant Bio Hacker
Guides your Giant personal life
Making Giant Texts
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software
Develops Giant software

Some of our projects:

Looking for a software GIANT?